Critical Updates

Oracle Critical Patch Update Advisory - January 2021 Description. A Critical Patch Update is a collection of patches for multiple security vulnerabilities. These patches address vulnerabilities in Oracle code and in third-party components included in Oracle products. Looking at the remaining Critical-rated updates, only one (surprisingly) impacts the browser. That patch corrects a bug within the JIT compiler. By performing actions in JavaScript, an attacker can trigger a memory corruption condition, which leads to code execution.

  1. Microsoft Critical Updates
  2. Critical Updates Downloads
  3. Microsoft Critical Updates Downloads
  4. Critical Updates
  5. Critical Updates For Windows 7
  6. Critical Updates Required Valorant
  • Critical product updates are packages that address a Microsoft-released security bulletin or that contain a change in time zone definitions. When in Mainstream Support, critical product updates are released as needed on a monthly basis for the most recently released CU and for the immediately previous CU.
  • Learn everything you need to know about fixing the critical software update problem for Macs. This update warning can keep your Mac from working properly, but you can usually solve the problem.
  • Motorola is committed to regular and timely security updates as recommended by Google/Android. While phones cannot be upgraded indefinitely, we provide security updates within the industry standard on both our regular and our Android One devices.

Exchange follows a quarterly delivery model to release Cumulative Updates (CUs) that address issues reported by customers. CUs sometimes also add new features and functionality.

Critical product updates are packages that address a Microsoft-released security bulletin or that contain a change in time zone definitions. When in Mainstream Support, critical product updates are released as needed on a monthly basis for the most recently released CU and for the immediately previous CU. When in Extended Support, critical product updates are released as needed on a monthly basis for only the most recently released CU.

To get the latest version of Exchange 2019, download and install Cumulative Update 9 for Exchange Server 2019. Each CU is a full installation of Exchange that includes all updates and changes from previous CUs. When installing a new Exchange server using the latest released CU, you don't need to install Exchange RTM or any previously released CU.

The following table contains links to Exchange Team blog posts ('What's New' information) for this and other Exchange 2019 CUs.

VersionBlog post
Exchange 2019 CU9Released: March 2021 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Exchange 2019 CU8Released: December 2020 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Exchange 2019 CU7Released: September 2020 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Exchange 2019 CU6Released: June 2020 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Exchange 2019 CU5Released: March 2020 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Exchange 2019 CU4Released: December 2019 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Exchange 2019 CU3Released: September 2019 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Exchange 2019 CU2Released: June 2019 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Exchange 2019 CU1Released: February 2019 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Exchange 2019 RTMExchange Server 2019 Now Available

For information about the new features you'll get when you upgrade to Exchange 2019 from previous versions of Exchange, see What's new in Exchange Server.

To get the latest version of Exchange 2016, download and install Cumulative Update 20 for Exchange Server 2016. Because each CU is a full installation of Exchange that includes updates and changes from all previous CUs, you don't need to install any previous CUs or Exchange 2016 RTM first.

The following table contains links to Exchange Team blog posts ('What's New' information) for this and other Exchange 2016 CUs.

VersionBlog post
Exchange 2016 CU20Released: March 2021 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Exchange 2016 CU19Released: December 2020 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Exchange 2016 CU18Released: September 2020 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Exchange 2016 CU17Released: June 2020 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Exchange 2016 CU16Released: March 2020 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Exchange 2016 CU15Released: December 2019 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Exchange 2016 CU14Released: September 2019 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Exchange 2016 CU13Released: June 2019 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Exchange 2016 CU12Released: February 2019 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Exchange 2016 CU11Released: October 2018 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Exchange 2016 CU10Released: June 2018 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Exchange 2016 CU9Released: March 2018 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Exchange 2016 CU8Released: December 2017 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Exchange 2016 CU7Released: September 2017 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Exchange 2016 CU6Released: June 2017 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Exchange 2016 CU5Released: March 2017 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Exchange 2016 CU4Released: December 2016 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Exchange 2016 CU3Released: September 2016 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Exchange 2016 CU2Released: June 2016 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Exchange 2016 CU1Released: March 2016 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Exchange 2016 RTMExchange Server 2016: Forged in the cloud. Now available on-premises

For information about the new features you'll get when you upgrade to Exchange 2016 from previous versions of Exchange, see What's new in Exchange Server.

  • To upgrade to the latest CU after you've downloaded it, see Upgrade Exchange to the latest Cumulative Update.

  • For downloads and updates for other versions of Exchange, see Exchange Server build numbers and release dates.


This article describes the standard terminology that defines the software updates for the Windows Update and Microsoft Update services.

Original product version: Windows 10 - all editions
Original KB number: 824684

Critical update

A widely released fix for a specific problem that addresses a critical, non-security-related bug.

Definition update

A widely released and frequent software update that contains additions to a product's definition database. Definition databases are often used to detect objects that have specific attributes, such as malicious code, phishing websites, or junk mail.


Software that controls the input and output of a device.

Feature pack

New product functionality that is first distributed outside the context of a product release and that is typically included in the next full product release.

Security update

A widely released fix for a product-specific, security-related vulnerability. Security vulnerabilities are rated by their severity. The severity rating is indicated in the Microsoft security bulletin as critical, important, moderate, or low.

Additional information

Microsoft security updates are available for customers to download and are accompanied by two documents: a security bulletin and a Microsoft Knowledge Base article.

Service pack

A tested, cumulative set of all hotfixes, security updates, critical updates, and updates. Additionally, service packs may contain additional fixes for problems that are found internally since the release of the product. Service packs may also contain a limited number of customer-requested design changes or features.


A utility or feature that helps complete a task or set of tasks.


Microsoft Critical Updates

A widely released fix for a specific problem. An update addresses a noncritical, non-security-related bug.

Update rollup

A tested, cumulative set of hotfixes, security updates, critical updates, and updates that are packaged together for easy deployment. A rollup generally targets a specific area, such as:

Critical Updates Downloads

  • Security
  • A component of a product, such as Internet Information Services (IIS).

Microsoft Critical Updates Downloads


Security-only update

An update that collects all the new security updates for a given month and for a given product, addressing security-related vulnerabilities. It's distributed through Windows Server Update Services (WSUS), System Center Configuration Manager and Microsoft Update Catalog. Security vulnerabilities are rated by their severity. The severity rating is indicated in the Microsoft security bulletin as critical, important, moderate, or low. This Security-only update would be displayed under the title Security Only Quality Update when you download or install the update. It will be classified as an Important update.

Monthly Rollup

Critical Updates

A tested, cumulative set of updates. They include both security and reliability updates that are packaged together and distributed over the following channels for easy deployment:

  • Windows Update
  • WSUS
  • System Center Configuration Manager
  • Microsoft Update Catalog

The Monthly Rollup is product-specific and addresses both new security issues and nonsecurity issues in a single update. It will proactively include updates that were released in the past. Security vulnerabilities are rated by their severity. The severity rating is indicated in the Microsoft security bulletin as critical, important, moderate, or low. This Monthly Rollup would be displayed under the title Security Monthly Quality Rollup when you download or install. This Monthly Rollup will be classified as an Important update on Windows Update. It will automatically download and install if your Windows Update settings are configured to automatically download and install Important updates.

Preview of Monthly Rollup

A tested, cumulative set of new updates that are packaged together and distributed over:

Critical Updates
  • Windows Update
  • WSUS
  • System Center Configuration Manager
  • Microsoft Update Catalog

It's distributed ahead of the release of the next Monthly Rollup for customers to proactively download, test, and provide feedback.

Critical Updates For Windows 7

The Preview of Monthly Rollup is product-specific and addresses new non-security updates, and includes fixes from the latest Monthly Rollup. This Preview of Monthly Rollup would be displayed under the title Preview of Monthly Quality Rollup when you download or install. It will be classified as an 'Optional' update.

Servicing Stack Updates (SSU)

Critical Updates Required Valorant

The servicing stack is the code that installs other operating system updates. Additionally, it contains the component-based servicing stack (CBS), which is a key underlying component for several elements of Windows deployment, such as:

  • DISM
  • SFC
  • Changing Windows features or roles
  • Repairing components

The CBS is a small component that typically doesn't have updates released every month.

For more information, see Servicing stack updates.